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Love Is Kind

It seems pretty simple, doesn’t it? Be kind to those you love. Show your love through kindness. Simple, yet difficult to actually live out. I fail often at this, particularly with those I’m closest to. It takes intentionality and purpose. Before I could even think about writing this, or making a pretty graphic for it, I had to call my dad and tell him I was sorry for snapping at him last night. Sad but true.

It has been a year since Kara Tippetts passed on into heaven. If you aren’t familiar with her, her writing lives on, and I recommend becoming friends with her through it. Her blog is here, called Mundane Faithfulness. She has a wonderful community that keeps breathing life into what she began. I picked up her book, The Hardest Peace, last night partly to honor her and partly because I knew my heart needed some softening. Holy week is not a good time to feel numb, bitter, or hardened. It’s a horrible way to experience it. Thankfully, her writing helped to lift and soften me. I read chapter 2, Love Is Kind. I slept well and had a better morning with my kiddos because of it.

It’s the Holy Week, and I may not be feeling it as I should through all that I am, but I know these things to be true: Abundant, overflowing grace is lavished upon us as a gift we could never possible be worthy of, and the veil is forever torn. We have a kind Savior. Not only is He mighty, powerful, and all-knowing, He is kind.

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