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Mondays with Muir

"Fresh beauty opens one's eyes wherever it is really seen, but the very abundance and completeness of the common beauty that besets our steps prevents its being absorbed and appreciated." John Muir

Appreciation...gratitude. I do believe this is the key to understanding why our spirits and bodies are healed and soothed by experiencing nature. Many scientific studies support that viewing natural elements for even a few minutes a day improves our overall health. The wonder that it stirs in us brings forth gratitude…perspective….peace….hope. But isn’t gratitude always more complete when we know who to thank? Isn’t peace found when we know who the Giver is that warrants our thanksgiving? In this we find a completeness. It completes the giving cycle and builds a relationship between the giver and the one who receives the gift. God created us for relationship with Him. When we view His paintings in the sky, sculptures in the stone, and songs in the wind, but don’t identify Him as the artist, we are neglecting His love notes. Every day He is reaching out to show us his beauty, power, and love, and every day they are received with awe and wonder, but not always with “thank you”. Thank Him. That is where true healing begins.

Nature. Beauty. Gratitude - Louie Schwartzberg (totally worth watching!!)

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