Earth Day: Earth Week 2015

I am sharing a little video I made a couple of years ago, but I have to preface it. First, I absolutely cringe at the sound of my voice. So for me, this is quite embarrassing. Second, I did not think of doing this myself. After having a very dear and smart man review over 4 pages (single spaced!) that I had written on creation care, he kindly suggested I might want to think about speaking it. He mentioned creating a youtube video or something. Immediately I thought NO! and concluded that what I wrote must have been pretty bad. But overtime the idea of a video grew on me, and voila! Third, the reason I was writing about creation care in the first place was because I was a part of a small group of people that began the organization Project Eden. I am not heavily involved with them now, but I help out when I can. We were all coming to the table with different backgrounds and goals, trying to write a mission statement, and I wanted to be able to clearly articulate my thoughts. My head is often a jumbled mess when it comes to talking, so writing seemed to be the best way to untangle my mind. Anyway, the video does seem to articulate pretty well the idea of caring for the earth being a part of Christian life. Also, I absolutely love this portion of the hymn below. I hope you do too. May this Earth Day be kind to you, and you kind to it.
Loved With Everlasting Love
Heaven above is softer blue, Earth around is sweeter green; Something lives in every hue Christless eyes have never seen: Birds with gladder songs o’erflow, Flow’rs with deeper beauties shine, Since I know, as now I know, I am His, and He is mine.