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The Daughter of a King

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Can you rest in the identity of being a daughter of the King? T H E K I N G . . .

Can you wrap your mind around the most powerful, wise, and magnificent ruler of all time clothing you in royal robes and offering a seat at his table? Not just any seat though. One right next to him, elbow to elbow, so he can carefully look into your heart and listen to your every word. Can you imagine this father of yours commanding an army of angels to protect you, his dear child? Is it possible to fathom that although he has unique plans and purposes just for you, he is so very pleased when you simply come to him, seeking rest and comfort?

I stuggle with this. I can't fully rest in this identity for more than a few moments each week…if ever. Oh how I would walk differently through each day, truly feeling like a daughter of THE KING OF KINGS. Thankfully, He offers grace for all that is lacking in us. It’s so incredibly difficult to allow the full embrace of God’s love to hold us. But as we try, layers that build up a separation from Him are shed. Insecurity, worry, fear, anger, bitterness, jealousy, impatience… all begin to peel away, allowing us to glimpse the full spectrum of His love. The more opportunities we give ourselves to trust Him, the more opportunities we give for His faithfulness to be revealed to us.

This process, of going to God, accepting His love, and allowing ourselves to be transformed into His image is what inspired the words and questions below. They help me take inventory of the condition of my heart, which fluctuates greatly. I hope that you may find them useful as well.

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There is a precious children’s book called The True Princess, by Angela Elwell Hunt. I happened upon one at a garage sale a few years ago. It tells the story of a king’s daughter, who has to go into hiding while her father is away. During this time, she no longer has her royal lifestyle, and acclimates to the working class. She and her Nana work in a bakery, and they learn to find joy in serving. When the king finally returns, he beckons for his princess. To his surprise, 25 young girls show up, all dressed in their best garments with perfectly styled hair. There is one quiet girl in the back, standing with patches on her worn dress. The king asks several of the girls to do favors for him; bake a cake, sing a song, etc… They all refuse, saying a real princess would never fulfull his requests because a servant would do them for her. Finally he asks, "Is there anyone here who will sing for me? Tell a joke? Serve me in any way?" The quiet girl in the patched dress spoke up. "I'd be happy to sire," she whispered. "Because I love you." From this, he knows who his daughter is. He says "It is love that marks a true daughter of the king." It is a very sweet one to read to your kids. Our world so often responds to privilege and title with arrogance and pride. Jesus came to tell a different story, one of humility and service.

When we are His, we have the opportunity to live a life that displays the character and depth of His love to the world. We don’t have to, and He doesn’t love us less when we screw it up, but He does rejoice when we honor Him.

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the sweetest love

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